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Thursday, January 14, 2016

1-14-2016: Expanding the Model

The first step of my model was to create a balance sheet, in addition to linking data to formulas to instantaneously calculate financial ratios. After finishing this first step of my model yesterday, I worked today on expanding the model. This involved adding more to the model that I already have.

To review the basics of my model, the user fills in specified boxes with specific data, and all inputted data is used to calculate financial ratios and other financial metrics on a different page. But what if we projected the next ten years and wanted to also include data about this on the spreadsheet? This is where things get a little more complicated, and I had to expand upon everything that I had already created. The following picture shows the spreadsheet in which the user inputs data (the user fills in as many purple cells as possible that match the labels on the left):

Click picture to enlarge

It seems simple: I had a table with a column for data, so all I would have to do is add nine more columns, so that there would be ten empty columns in which data could be entered, with one column for each year of data. However, when trying to add columns to an Excel table, the formulas won’t always do what one would them to. I had to spend a lot of time changing formulas and switching around how they would calculate the data. This basically meant going back through all of the work that I did yesterday and changing all of the formulas so that they would work for a different method of calculating data.

Besides adding columns and fixing all of the formulas on my data entry sheet, I proofread all of my formulas on the spreadsheet that gives the results and improved the layout of the spreadsheet. Otherwise, there isn’t anything else to explain about what I did today, as most of today’s work was repetitive.

Here is a picture of the results page that is given after data has been inputted (there are no actual results shown here because the first page does not have any inputted data):

Click picture to enlarge

Other things that still need to be added to the model are the net present value and internal rate of return. After doing a bit of research, I still couldn’t figure out how to use these functions in Microsoft Excel. I will be asking Mrs. Spurgeon to help me with this the next time that I work on the model. Additionally, we will most likely condense the model somewhat to make the model even easier to use and understand.

Tomorrow, I will be taking a break from modeling to interview business professionals. I will resume working on my model on Tuesday.

Just to be clear, my model is not done yet; rather, it’s almost ready to be taken a step further!

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